My Bournemouth University colleague Dr Laura Crossley and I have co-edited a special edition of the Journal of Popular Film and Television, on the subject of "Geriaction cinema", which is out now. Huge thanks to Rajinder Dudrah, Christa Van Raalte, Lennart Soberon and Gregory Frame for writing such insightful articles!
"Geriaction Cinema: Introduction", by Laura Crossley & Austin Fisher
"The Geri-Actions of the Aging Amitabh Bachchan", by Rajinder Dudrah
"Reflections on Mortality: The Imagery of Mirrors in Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino", by Christa van Raalte
"TOO OLD FOR THIS SH*T: Aged Action Heroes, Affect, and 'the Economy of Exertion'”, by Lennart Soberon
"Make America Hate Again? The Politics of Vigilante Geriaction", by Gregory Frame